The origin of the medal of St. Benedict is very ancient. It was certainly suggested by the efficacious use that the patriarch made of the sign of the cross against the assaults of the Demon narrated by St. Gregorio. Benedict XIV established the design of this medal. One side it carries the image of St. Benedict holding a cross in his hand and on other side there is a larger cross with Latin initials. Due to the fact that the cross represented here is an essential element of this medal, it is called the Medal-Crucifix of St. Benedict. On the back there is the effigy of the Saint, holding the cross in his right hand the Rules in his left hand: on his right there is a cup from which a serpent is escaping (recollection of the polsonde win from which he miraculously escaped); on the left we have a crow talding away the poisoned bread. Underneath we can read the words: “EX S.M. CASINO MIDCCCLXXX” from the Holy Mount Cassino 1880). On the two sides: “CRUX SANCTI PATRIS BENEDICT” (Cross of Holy Father Benedict). Around the image: “EIUS IN OBITU NOSTRO PRESENTIA MUNIAMUR” (He defends us in our death with his presence). On the front of the Medal, a cross is represented which carries several inscription in the arms, the explanation of which Follows:
Product Details:
- C.S.P.B.: CRUX SANCTI PATRIS BENEDICTI. (The cross of Holy Father Benedict).
- C.S.S.M.L.: CRUX SACRA SIT MITHI LUX. (May the Holy Cross be my light).
- N.D.S.M.D.: NON DRACO SIT MIHI DUX. (Let te devil not be my leader).
- V.R.S.: VADE RETRO SATANA. (Get behind me satan).
- N.S.M.V.: NON SUADE MHI VANA. (Never suggest vain thoughts to me).
- S.M.Q.L.: SUNT MALA QUAE LIBAS. (What you are showing me is bad).
- I.V.B.: IPSE VENEA BIBAS. (Drink your poison yourself)
Product Details:
- Double sided natural wood inlay
- Size: 7.5”
- Hangs on the wall
- Comes in a clear box