This book provides opportunities for guided reflection, sharing and prayer that reinforce many of Pastor Rick Warrens points with additional commentaries on areas in which Catholic teaching varies. Using this companion guide, which follows Warrens 40-day process, either individually or in a group, will assist Roman Catholics in transforming their lives and appreciating the richness and beauty of their Faith tradition.
Review(s): With true ecumenical sensitivity, Father Champlin has clearly identified the points of agreement and difference between Pastor Warrens and Catholic teaching in his A CATHOLIC PERSPECTIVE ON THE PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE. Most Reverend Tod D. Brown Bishop, Diocese of Orange
Father Champlins clarifications and enrichments of points in Rick Warrens THE PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE can help us claim its treasure in the context of Catholic tradition and teaching. Father Champlins theological clarity and seasoned wisdom inspire us even more to hear Gods call in Warrens framework of 40 days. Patricia H. Livingston Author and inspirational speaker
- Short Description:
- A Catholic Perspective on the Purpose Driven Life
This book provides opportunities for guided reflection, sharing and prayer that reinforce many of Pastor Rick WarrenÂs points with additional commentaries on areas in which Catholic teaching vari