This 330 page book is greatly needed by the laity. It is for all the faithful. It will inspire young men to consider the priesthood and parents to encourage their sons to consider a priestly vocation.
The profound meaning of the Holy Eucharist as Sacrifice and Sacrament, with strong scriptural basis, is presented. The faithful who read this book prayerfully will come to a deeper faith understanding of the Holy Eucharist and the Priesthood, of the Church itself.
It is seldom we can read the story of the life of a priest for 50 years and in true story form gain at the same time a much deeper understanding of the mysteries of our Catholic faith. Fr. Robert J. Fox has accomplished this feat while giving a true account of his life from childhood, to seminary life and through 50 years of the holy priesthood. After reading this autobiography you will want to present copies to priests and seminarians.
- Short Description:
- A Priest is a Priest Forever: Autobiography by Fr. Robert J. Fox
This 330 page book is greatly needed by the laity. It is for all the faithful. It will inspire young men to consider the priesthood and parents to encourage their sons to consider a