After This Life - What Catholics Believe About What Happens Next by Fr. Benedict J. Groeschel
Recognizing that anxiety and fear are the most common personal problems brought to him during nearly forty years of psychological counseling, Father Benedict Groeshel knows firsthand that most people prefer to avoid the issue of mortality entirely.
Himself the victim of a hit-and-run accident in 2004, after which he had no vital signs for thirty minutes, Father Groeshel is uniquely qualified to address this subject. Asserting that we live in a death-denying society, he masterfully explains how consoling and uplifting the truths surrounding death, judgment, Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven really are.
These topics offer us the opportunity to think clearly about death in order to live fully in God's grace today. Father Groeshel notes that the "five mysteries" - death, judgment, Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven - lie beyond our complete understanding. Therefore, it is his intention to write in stead on what we think and feel about them, as we make our way in life toward them.
Learn to live each new day with confidence based on the mercy and love of our savior, Jesus Christ, who spoke often of death and the Last Judgment though his parables.
"Let not your heart be troubled... In my Father's house are many rooms... I go and prepare a place for you." -John 14:1-3
About the Author:
Father Benedict J. Groeshel, C.F.R., is an internationally known lecturer and retreat master. He is also the host of the weekly EWTN program "Sunday Night Live with Father Benedict Groeshel" and is the author of many Our Sunday Visitor books.
Softcover. 142 PP.
- Short Description:
Live Each Day With Renewed Passion and Spirit Recognizing that anxiety and fear are the most common personal problems brought to him during nearly forty years of psychological counseling, Father Benedict Groeshel kn