Deacon Steve is using this time of COVID-19 pandemic when many are staying at home by the order of the Governor of California to pen a new book, Be Not Afraid. Below is the introduction for Be Not Afraid.
Paperback, 5 X 7 3/4 inches, 117 pages.
Be Not Afraid/Introduction
As I write this book in March 2020, it feels like some science fiction movie is being implemented in our lives. The Governor of California just ordered a complete lockdown of the state. No one can leave their homes unless they have necessary business. Fear has overcome so many, Christians and other faiths and religions. Nonbelievers are hit with the reality that life on planet Earth is very short, no matter how long we live.
Because we are in “uncharted” areas of most of our past history, our normal way of dealing with issues often isn’t working. The statistics of how many people will get COVID-19 is overwhelming and depressing. What do we do? Many make a run to Costco or our favorite store to buy toilet paper of all things (doesn’t anyone camp?), other types of healthcare products and food. It feels like an alien invasion from outer space is about to happen.
I have good news for you! Jesus is Lord! Jesus is the King of Kings! He is the Lord over the Coronavirus and everything in the universe and our lives. Nothing happens that is independent of Jesus. He is there for us and giving us comfort if we let him.
Matthew 11:28-30, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me: for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”
The purpose of this book is to give the reader hope and encouragement. Nothing will happen that God will not allow to happen according to His glory and will.
Romans 8:28, “We know that in everything God works for good with those who love him, who are called according to his purpose.”
What is critical is for us to conquer fear which is the enemy of faith and love. We need to ask for faith and expect miracles. It is so important that we trust in Jesus and allow His Divine Mercy to absorb and empower us. There is no way we can conquer our anxiety unless we learn how to pray with power. We are in a war with Satan and his evil forces. Because of this war the sacraments are critical for our spiritual survival. This means receiving the Body and Blood of Christ whenever possible and having fervent Reconciliation. Each night we need to examine our conscience and mind to ascertain what we did to draw closer to Christ, consolation in Ignatius spirituality, and our actions which drew us further away from Christ, which is desolation.