Fr. Frank Chacon & Jim Burnham present clear and compelling answers to the most common objections Catholics get about their faith.
Make no mistake about it: Jehovah's Witnesses hate the Trinity. They believe that Christians got their doctrine of the Trinity from pagans and ultimately, from the devil himself. According to the Watchtower book Reconciliation (1928): "Never was there a more deceptive doctrine advanced than that of the Trinity. It could have originated only in one mind, and that the mind of Satan the Devil."
Jehovah's Witnesses (JW) zealously attack the Trinity for at least 3 reasons:
This book will help you answer the many objections of JW's against the Trinity.
- Contents
- A Deceptive Doctrine or a Deceptive Booklet?
- Faulty Reasoning Error #1: Assuming that if two beliefs are similar, one comes from the other
- Error #2: Assuming that difficult beliefs are confusing and unreasonable
- Error #3: Assuming that religious truths must be explicitly taught in the bible
- Error #4: Using biased sources as objective authorities
- Misuse of the Early Church Fathers:
- St. Justin Martyr
- St. Irenaeus
- St. Clement of Alexandria
- Tertullian
- St. Hippolytus
- Origen
- Summary of the Early Church Fathers
- Misinterpretation of Sacred Scripture
- The Divinity of Jesus
- The Holy Spirit
- The Trinity
- The JW Bible
- Conclusion
- A Prayer to the Trinity
This handbook series is a crash-course to help you answer the most common objections about your faith. Discover how easy it is to show the biblical basic for the Eucharist, the Papacy, Confession, Mary, Purgatory, prayer to the Saints, and many other Catholic doctrines.
If you want to keep your friends and family Catholic, if you want answers for door-to-door evangelizers - Then Order Your Copy Today!
- Short Description:
- How to Answer Jehovah's Witnesses who Attack the Trinity - Yes, You Should Believe in the Trinity!
Fr. Frank Chacon & Jim Burnham present clear and compelling answers to the most common objections Catholics get about their faith.
Make no mistak