It is no coincidence that many favorite hymns and songs were written for Communion.
For centuries, composers and authors have adorned the communion rite with some of the finest musical works ever created.
Selections from this spectacular recording span the centuries. Works by masters like Bach, Duguet, Fauré, and Guilmant are interspersed with more recent titles composed or arranged by Proulx, Friedell, Toolan, Westendorf, and Kreutz. Time-honored Gregorian chant completes the musical spectrum.
This recording is a must-have for every sacred library of recorded works and makes a wonderful gift for the people in your faith life.
You will enjoy the liner notes that accompany this CD. Masterfully written by Frank Villella, these concise little histories make for some very informative and interesting reading.
Many of these titles are currently in print, and selected titles will be published in the future. Many of these beloved treasures appear in numerous hymnals.
Selections include: 1. O salutaris hostia 2. Adoro te devote 3. Ecce panis angelorum 4. Pange lingua 5. O Lord, I Am Not Worthy 6. I Received the Living God 7. Let Us Break Bread Together 8. Draw Us In the Spirit's Tether 9. Ave verum corpus 10. Jesu dulcis memoria 11. Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring 12. Jesus, My Lord and My God, My All 13. Soul of My Savior 14. Gift of Finest Wheat 15. Sicut Cervus 16. I am the Bread of Life 17. Father, We Thank Thee
- Short Description:
- Catholic Communion Classics CD Vol XI.
It is no coincidence that many favorite hymns and songs were written for Communion.
For centuries, composers and authors have adorned the communion rite with some of the finest musical works ever created.