Music that will help you lift your heart to the Lord
About this Music:
The acclaimed choir of the Daughters of St. Paul is back with this two-disc collection of Eucharistic Adoration music that includes some of the world's best-loved hymns in English and Latin. From the Ave Verum to Be Not Afraid, fromPanis Angelicus to One Bread, One Body, these selections, drawn from previously released Adoration and Adoration II CDs, will enhance the Adoration experience and deepen intimacy with Our Lord in the Eucharist.
From its beginning in the 1970s the choir has been a familiar and beloved part of many people's lives, whether in the communities throughout the United States where the choir performs or through its popular CDs and DVDs. This double CD set collects many of the songs from the sisters' repertoire that audiences and individuals have come to love and use in their devotional lives.
A welcome supplement is the online component with more information and free additional downloadable Eucharistic resources.
Features & Benefits:
- o Includes best-loved hymns in English and Latin
o Helps deepen prayer life
o Provides inspirational music
o Promotes Eucharistic Adoration
o Features traditional and popular hymns
o Communicates faith
o Over 50,000 copies of previous cassette and CD editions sold
The Daughters of St. Paul Choir embodies the joy, enthusiasm, and hope at the heart of our faith. Known for its pure, sweet sound and tight harmonies, the choir has produced 15 award-winning albums and sold over one million recordings since 1988.
What Are People Saying about this Title?
The hymns are expertly picked and beautifully sung, displaying both their melodic voices and great love for Jesus.
-Stuart Dunn, Stuart's Study
Hymns included in this two-disc album
DISC ONE: Ave Verum O Sacrum Convivium I Am the Bread of Life (Instrumental) I Love You Lord/ As the Deer Jesus, Joy of Man's Desiring Gift of Finest Wheat (Instrumental) To Jesus' Heart All Burning/ O Lord, I Am Not Worthy O Salutaris Hostia/ Tantum Ergo Jesus, My Lord, My Life, My All One Bread, One Body (Instrumental) Soul of My Savior Panis Angelicus Be Thou My Vision Pange Lingua Gloriosi Adoro Te (Instrumental) Jesus, My Lord, My God, My All I Love You, Lord Here I Am, Lord (Instrumental)
DISC TWO: Beautiful Savior Lead Me, Lord Tantum Ergo (Instrumental) Panis Angelicus The Majesty and Glory of Your Name Be Thou My Vision (Instrumental) Jesus, Thou Joy of Loving Hearts Who Will Separate Me? What Wondrous Love Be Not Afraid (Instrumental) O Lord, Heart My Prayer In God Alone Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence (Instrumental)
Product Details:
2 Compact Discs
120 minutes: 9 Instrumental hymns, 22 hymns sung with choir
Distribution Rights: USA only