Forming Faithful Families Program Guide is meant to be used by: mothers, fathers, single persons, engaged couples, newly married, new parents, experience parents, and grandparents. The groups are meant to be varied in ages and stages. A mentoring and sharing program where all are welcome to participate! 15 minutes: Social Time, Opening Prayer and Scripture 60 minutes: content Presentation, Discussion and interactive Sharing Time 15 minutes: Resolution, Closing Prayer and Social Time. Paperback
The program is very adaptable to use for small groups of mothers (MOMS Matter), fathers (DADS Matter), and mothers and fathers together (Families Matter).
The program can be run in a parish, or Home or any setting. There are 14 sessions in the program.
A typical session is flexible and could run 90 minutes:
- Short Description:
- Forming Faithful Families Program Guide is meant to be used by: mothers, fathers, single persons, engaged couples, newly married, new parents, experience parents, and grandparents. The groups are meant to be varied in ages and stages. A mentor