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Grieving the Loss of a Loved One: Daily Meditations by Lorene Hanley Duquin

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Grieving the Loss of a Loved one contains 52 powerful, two-page meditations that will help you work through the various aspects of grieving, just as they did for Lorene (The Author) herself. The meditations are wide-ranging: deeply personal, yet addressing the emotional, physical, mental, spiritual, and social aspects of grief. Rooted in prayer, inspired by the Holy Spirit, and conveying important life lessons, each meditation features:

  • A quote from a well-known figure that speaks to the meditation.
  • A brief reflection that expands upon the topic at hand
  • A prayer.
  • A sidebar, with a timely quote or anecdote

    Walk hand in hand with Lorene, and experience the gift of a companion who can walk this painful journey at your side. In this unknown territory, each passing day seems to reveal a new dimension of pain, loss or confusion, but eventually transforms into a healing peace.

  • Short Description:
    Grieving the Loss of a Loved one contains 52 powerful, two-page meditations that will help you work through the various aspects of grieving, just as they did for Lorene (The Author) herself. The meditations are wide-ranging: deeply personal, y