If ever a book were conceived and written to inspire people to pray, and to show them what great results and consolations are to be derived from prayer, it is Fr. Paul O'Sullivan's How to be Happy-How to be Holy.
He focuses first on the profound meanings of our basic Catholic prayers: The Sign of the Cross, The Our Father, The Hail Mary, The Glory Be, The Apostles' Creed, The Morning Offering, The Confiteor, etc. Next follows a full and beautiful explanation of the Rosary and each of its Mysteries. Then he paints the wonders of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and finally he concludes on the power of ejaculations and the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary.
The most beautiful aspect of this consoling and moving book is his frequent use of lovely, short anecdotes from the lives and sayings of the Saints. The principal value of this book is that it proves one need not be a saint to enjoy prayer and to derive great benefits from it. Every Catholic should own and read this charming book.
234 pgs. - softcover
- Short Description:
- How to be Happy, How to be Holy by Fr. Paul O'Sullivan, O.P.
If ever a book were conceived and written to inspire people to pray, and to show them what great results and consolations are to be derived from prayer, it is Fr. Paul O'Sullivan's How t