"Anything at all that Joseph Pearce writes is far more than merely 'worth reading.' That is too pale a remark. Again and again, he rings the bell. But this one - Literary Giants - sweeps all before it. One is agog at the sheer 'achieve of the thing,' as G.M. Hopkins would put it. Mr. Pearce covers the entire waterfront and more. And another thing: we have all come to expect vastly astute, fair, generous, and perspicacious work from this author, and, for my money, this book crowns everything that he has written thus far." - Thomas Howard, Author of On Being Catholic "With these essays Joseph Pearce has woven fascinating tapestry of literary criticism, recent history, and ancient faith. It is good to have new light shed on T.S. Eliot, C.S. Lewis, and J.R.R. Tolkien. It is even better to see the Catholic literary giants finally emerging from the shadows: Belloc, Baring, Benson, Campbell, and, of course, Chesterton!" - Dale Ahlquist, President of the American Chesterton Society and Author of G.K. Chesterton: The Apostle of Common Sense "In years to come Joseph Pearce will himself be better known as one of the literary giants of our times. This anthology of his writings on a broad spectrum of subjects is more than an academic survey of faith and culture, for in each of his essays an all too rare spiritual discernment is at work. Wisdom, wit, insight, original thought - it is all here. Pearce is more than an educated intellect. He is a mind awake." - Michael D. O'Brian, Author of Father Elijah
- Short Description:
- "Anything at all that Joseph Pearce writes is far more than merely 'worth reading.' That is too pale a remark. Again and again, he rings the bell. But this one - Literary Giants - sweeps all before it. One is agog at the sheer 'achieve of the