Little Nellie was not yet four and a half when God took her to Heaven, but she had already received five of the Seven Sacraments! Before she entered into her eternal reward, she had received Our Lord 32 times. Nellie knew that, in Holy Communion, she was receiving God. She always called Him "Holy God."
When the Holy Father, Pope St. Pius X, heard about Little Nellie, he cried, "There! That is the sign for which I was waiting." The Holy Father then decreed that children could receive Holy Communion once they could understand the gravity of the Sacrament - even if they were still little; children awaiting their First Holy Communion would no longer have to wait until age 12.
Little Nellie is called the Little Violet of the Blessed Sacrament and her story is perfect to teach children love and reverence for Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist!
Product Details:
- Size: 6" x 8"
- Paperback
- 32 pages
- Short Description:
- Little Nellie of Holy God 31 pp. softcover
Little Nellie was not yet four and a half when God took her to Heaven, but she had already received five of the Seven Sacraments! Before she entered into her eternal reward, she had received Our