† "Motherless is alive with vivid characters, wonderful dialogue and real issues. From start to finish you can't put it down..." - Archbishop Charles J. Chaput
† "Fiction has long served as a powerful medium for social criticism and for issuing warnings rooted in a profound concern for fundamental justice and moral truth. Are contemporary fiction writers up to the task? In Motherless, Brian J. Gail proves that he certainly is." -Robert P. George
† "...Brian J. Gail's Motherless depicts the true essence of human embryonic stem cell experimentation and ingeniously intertwines science with a fiction thriller to expose it. Embryonic stem cell research is not about treating our loved ones who suffer from disease. It is ultimately about human cloning. The sheer boldness of Motherless frightens me..."
† "Motherless is truly a magnificent work of art clearly written to combat today's moral decline.. I can only hope our generation reads it." -Eduardo Veradtegui
† "Brian J. Gail has masterfully and with startling accuracy told the story of our culture. Motherless is both heartbreaking and hilarious but most of all it powerfully exposes the cultural and spiritual battles my generation faces today... I couldn't put it down." -Lila Rose
† " Motherless is spectacular...a gift to the age..." -Emily Rice
Softcover. 510 pp.
- Short Description:
"...In a remarkably captivating manner Motherless depicts our troubled age as it is and as it will continue to be unless we seek the help of the Mother of God -Cardinal Raymond L. Burkeâ "Moth