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My Daily Eucharist

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My Daily Eucharist is for hearty appetites - that is to say, for people who are hungry for God. If you are empty and looking for nourishment, you have found the right book. If you desire to deepen your faith in our Eucharistic Lord, you have found the right book. If you are questioning and searching for Gospel truth, especially as it relates to the Eucharist, you have found the right book. If you want to enrich you prayer life and add grist for a mill of you meditations, you have found the right book. Like a gourmet dinner, this book should be savored slowly. Each saying serves up a special read which will nourish your heart and mind with love for Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. Altogether it is a feast for your soul, prepared by hundreds of disciples who have labored in the vineyard of the Church since the time of Christ. In this age of doubt and disbelief, this timely work restores faith in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, the central and most important doctrine of the Catholic Church.


Short Description:
My Daily Eucharist is for hearty appetites - that is to say, for people who are hungry for God. If you are empty and looking for nourishment, you have found the right book. If you desire to deepen your faith in our Eucharistic Lord, you have f