My See and Pray Missal is a book to help young Catholics pray the Holy Mass in an easy yet excellent manner. Beginning readers will benefit greatly from the beautifully simple format: SEE the action at the altar, then PRAY the accompanying short prayer-a schema designed to keep one's eyes focused on the altar and one's mind occupied with the proper thoughts. The high points and "landmarks" of the Mass will thus be met with attention and reverence. And despite its great simplicity, My See and Pray Missal is a gem of doctrinal accuracy which presents the Mass as a sacrifice and emphasizes the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. Fostering reverences, prayer and love the Mass at an early age-and can also help build good habits of loving participation to last a lifetime.
Product Details
Product Details
- Size: 6" x 4"
- Paperback
- 42 pages