Every day boys and young men are bombarded with messages and images that encourage them to make sexual impurity a way of life. And since it looks like so much fun, they can easily be made to feel as if theyre foolishly missing out on something really great.
However, Jason Everts Pure Manhood will help them to see things in a new light. Best of all, it will give them the spiritual tools they need to stay pure or to return to purity.
Evert also answers the most common questions boys have about women, sex, and dating, including
How far is too far? Whats wrong with just thinking about it? Whats wrong with porn? Youre not hurting anyone. What if its just a swimsuit magazine? If shes willing to do it, why is it wrong? What about safe sex? Shouldnt I be free to do whatever I want? How do I stay pure? Paperback: 51 pages
Size: 4'' x 7''