While driving, we may sometimes be confronted by sudden dangers or temptations which provoke our anger. However, a small reminder of Jesus and Marys all-encompassing love might be all that is necessary for you to reduce stress and gain confidence on the road. This particular Sacred and Immaculate Hearts medal has been specifically designed as a visor clip. On one side is a portrayal of Christ, offering his Sacred Heart to all mankind, under which is the inscription: Sweet Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us. On the other side is the Blessed Virgin Mary, presenting her Immaculate Heart for our relief and consolation, under which is the inscription: Sweet Heart of Mary, be my salvation. The Sacred Heart side is coated by red enamel and the Immaculate Heart side is coated by a blue enamel. This product spans a width of 3 inches and is made in the USA.
- Short Description:
- While driving, we may sometimes be confronted by sudden dangers or temptations which provoke our anger. However, a small reminder of Jesus and MaryÂs all-encompassing love might be all that is necessary for you to reduce stress and gain confidence