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Saint Catherine of Siena Audiobook CD - Discontinued

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Be the first to listen to this extraordinary story of one of the most remarkable women in the history of the world!

“Thanks be to the Highest God Eternal, who has placed us in the battlefield as knights to fight for His Bride with the shield of holiest faith.” — St. Catherine of Siena

Gather the whole family to listen to this extraordinary story of one of the most remarkable women in the history of the Church. Saint Catherine of Siena was chosen by Christ to be a model of heroic virtue. She negotiated with Prelates and Cardinals, convinced the Pope to return from Avignon in France to Rome, exorcised possessed persons and attracted numerous disciples.

Written by F.A. Forbes

Read by Betty Arnold

“I have no other desire in this life save to see the honor of God, your peace, and the reformation of Holy Church, and to see the life of grace in every creature that hath reason in itself.” — Letters of St. Catherine of Siena