This Saint Joseph Picture Book of Saints Gift Set includes all twelve books of many different saints such as:
- St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
- St. John Bosco
- St. Patrick
- St. John Baptist de la Salle
- St. Anthony of Padua
- St. Thomas More
- St. Anne
- St. Lawrence
- St. Pius X
- St. Peter Claver
- St. Vincent de Paul
- St. Teresa of Avila
- St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
- St. Isaac Jogues
- St. Francis de Sales
- St. Thomas Aquinas
- St. Isidore
- St. John the Baptist
- St. Benedict
- St. Clare
- St. Bernard
- St. Augustine
- St. Charles Borromeo
- St. Frances Cabrini
- St. Elizabeth
- St. Cecilia
- St. Catherine Laboure
- St. Francis Xavier
- St. John of the Cross
- St. Philip Neri
- St. Agnes
- St. Bernadette
- St. Dominic Savio
- St. Dymphna
- St. Joan of Arc
- St. Aloysius Gonzaga
- St. Maria Goretti
- St. John Berchmans
- St. Tarcisius
- St. Rose of Lima