The priest refused to leave. He drew up a chair and told the stories of the prodigal son and good thief to try to soften the old man's hardened heart. After much effort, the priest had finished anointing him, the old man was curious. "Father, after all these years, why has God given me this great grace?" For a moment, the priest seemed to have difficulty in answering him; then an inspiration came to him. "Did you ever have any children?" "Yes", the old man replied, very close to tears, "I had one boy, long time ago. He died when still just a youngster. How well I remember the day! He put his little arms around my neck and whispered: Daddy I'm dying, pray for me! I'll pray for you too, always so you can be in Heaven with me some day'." "And you ask," replied the priest, "why God has given you this great grace? My dear friend, God has only answered the prayers of your little sainted son in heaven. You are going to him now!" And a few minutes later, the life of the old man was closed. What will the ending of our own lives be? Indeed, it rests with us, but as we go through life, we should pause occasionally to visualize what that scene may be."
This is one of many stories that this book contains. In our modern world, how little is death thought about. Saints to Help the Sick and the Dying puts life in perspective. This book is a "must have" for every Catholic. It should be read and distributed to friends, family, or acquaintances.
- Short Description:
- Strange things happen in this life of ours. Stranger still are the happenings in the hours approaching the close of life. On a cold, stormy night, many years ago, a little boy delivered an anonymous letter to a local priest. It read, "Dear Father, p