Pope John Paul urges us to sit at the school of Mary and contemplate the face of Christ, so as to experience the depths of His love, a personal love for you, committed to your healing and well being, now and forever.
This Scriptural Rosary Prayer Book features a scripture, meditation, and response for every Hail Mary of the Rosary. As you prayerfully contemplate the saving events in the lives of Jesus and Mary, may you receive their fruit, and go forth to serve God's beloved, wounded family.
Book Size: 6"x4" Softcover. 96 pp. Includes all 20 mysteries of the Rosary, with a scripture, meditation, and response for each Hail Mary of each mystery!The meditations are sprinkled with quotes from the Catholic Catechism, the saints and Pope John Paul IIs Apostolic Letter, The Rosary of the Virgin Mary. Pope John Paul has called us to meditate on the mysteries. We want to help people begin that habit. Help us bring this book to the faithful.Try it for yourself! Use it for one month to pray the Rosary. If it doesnt help you, well refund your money with a smile!96 pages plus cover, includes artwork and text.
- Short Description:
- This book Scriptural Rosary Prayer Book is to help you receive and respond to god's grace by praying and meditating on the Scriptures surrounding the mysteries of the Rosary. Mary remembered and reflected on God's Word and actions in her life