What is a Catholic approach to interpreting the Bible? What makes for good, sound biblical scholarship? What is the fourfold sense of Scripture and how does it relate to understanding the Bible? What perspective and insight does Saint Thomas Aquinas provide for studying the Bible? What is the place of Scripture in Church Teaching? Scott Hahn answers these and many more questions, providing a foundation for a Catholic approach to Scripture.
The Church urges us to read the Bible, and to do so in the full context of the Church's centuries of reflecting on its meaning under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Dr. Scott Hahn's love for the Word of God is enthusiastically presented in Scripture Matters. He has a way, which is both readable and scholarly, of inspiring his readers to discover the great treasure of Scripture.
Paperback: 191 pages
- Short Description:
- What is a ÂCatholic approach to interpreting the Bible? What makes for good, sound biblical scholarship? What is the Âfourfold sense of Scripture and how does it relate to understanding the Bible? What perspective and insight does Saint Thomas