Available medals:
Sts. Anthony, Bernard, Benedict, Cosmos & Damien, Camillus, Charles Borromeo,
Sts. David, Dennis, Daniel, Francis De Sales, Gabriel, Genesius, Helen, Ives
Sts. Jason, John Berchmans, Joseph, Joseph the Worker, Julia, Jude, Lawrence
Sts. Thomas More, Martin De Porres, Mark, O.L. Good Counsel, Patrick, Peregrine, Roque, Raymond
Sts. Stephen, Timothy, Vincent De Paul, William
- Short Description:
- Dime size sterling silver saint medals--1.8 cm. in diameter.
- You can order the medal only for $23.95 or with chain & gift box for $28.95.
- These small sterling silver medals are ideal for young boys or girls (First Communion or C