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St. Joseph Catholic Handbook by Rev. Thomas J. Donaghy

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An Invaluable Aid to Know and Live the Catholic Faith

New handy booklet for every Catholic. It offers a digest of the most important Catholic beliefs, the most popular Catholic prayers, and the most prominent Catholic practices.

It is completely indexed to the new Catechism of the Catholic Church. Printed in two colors and in large readable type, this book will help readers apply their faith to their everyday lives.

Distinctive Features:

  • Large, easy-to-read type
  • Printed in Red and Black
  • Extensive explanation of the Mass with two color photographs
  • Handy Charts and Tables about the Bibles, Catholic ministry, American Chruch History, and other themes
  • Complete prayer texts for the Rosary and the Stations of the Cross.

    Booklet Size: 5" by 7" Softcover. 95 pp.

  • Short Description:
    An Invaluable Aid to Know and Live the Catholic Faith

    New handy booklet for every Catholic. It offers a digest of the most important Cat