This Personal Size Edition, intended for use by Catholics during daily prayer and meditation, as well as in private and group study, has a 5½ x 8⅛ format. It is available in three sacramental offerings (First Communion, Confirmation, and Marriage) as well as in a wide variety of colors, bindings, and price points.
Enhanced Features:
- Decorative Presentation Page
- Beautifully Illustrated Family Record Section
- Rosary and Stations of the Cross in Full Color
- Printed End Papers
- 8 Full-Color Maps
- Miracles and Parables of Jesus
- Over 80 Full-Color Illustrations
- Discovering Your Bible
- Old and New Testament Timelines
- Key Ideas in the Bible
- Lavish Panoramic Illustrations
Noteworthy Features:
- Words of Christ in Red
- Learning about Your Bible Section
- 30 Self-Explaining Maps in Context
- The Bible and Catholic Life
- Over 100 Photographs, Illustrations, Charts, and Maps of the Holy Land
- Doctrinal Bible Index
- Bible Dictionary
- The Sunday Gospels