The first objective was to make the book complete. To do this, much historical and catechetical information has been supplied. The book is both a prayer book and a catechism. It also includes guides for Christian living.
A second objective was to construct a prayer book that was immersed in the Catholic tradition so prayers like the Way of the Cross, the Rosary, Litanies, and the devotions of the Saints have been included. It also contains traditional catechetical materials such as the Ten Commandments, Precepts of the Church, the Beatitudes, The Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy, and brief explanations of the Seven Sacraments.
A third objective was to make the book contemporary, so that its underlying theology of prayer and the church would be in line with what is currently taught in seminaries. The Eucharistic liturgy is presented in accordance with the renewal developing since Vatican II; the approach to the Sacraments, especially Reconciliation, reflects the Church's current teaching.
If you are enthusiastic about prayer and hope this book can help your child, let your enthusiasm and love show.
The best way for a child to learn to pray is to pray with you.
Hardcover: 128 pages
- Short Description:
- The Catholic Children's Prayer Book is an effort to write a contemporary prayer book for children.
The first objective was to make the book complete. To do this, much historical and catechetical information h