The Catholic Handbook for Visiting the Sick and Homebound 2016 is the essential resource for lay Ministers of Care, especially Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. This portable, annual resource contains all of the official rites a lay minister will need from the Book of Blessings and Pastoral Care of the Sick to bring the Eucharist to and pray with those who cannot regularly worship with their parish community: children, adults, the suffering, the dying, and those who mourn.Communion in Ordinary Circumstances Communion in a Hospital or Institution Simple, pastoral introduction to help navigate the rites by Sister Genevieve Glen, OSB Gospels for Sunday and holy days of obligation (Year A) List of patron saints for those who are sick and suffering Orders for the Blessing of the Sick Visits to the Sick and to a Sick Child Celebration of Viaticum outside Mass Pastoral Care of the Dying Explanations of the Reading Paperback 256 pages, 6 X 9 inches
Handbook features: