The Deposit of Faith: What the Catholic Church Really Believes by Eugene Kevane, Ph.D. - Catholic Catechism Book, 505pp.
The Deposit of Faith: What the Catholic Church Really Believes by Monsignor Eugene Kevane is a treasure of information for teachers of catechetical instruction. In the wake of the Heresy of Modernism, Catholics everywhere, especially parents of Catholic children, have experienced the proliferation of new opinions, the exclusion of the Deposit of Faith, and the suppression of the Catechism by religious educators. This book portrays what Jesus Christ, as God, wanted the Apostles and through them the future members of His Church to know and teach. He made it very clear: "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away (Mk. 13, 31). An earlier volume, "Jesus the Divine Teacher," explains how Jesus taught; this second one presents what he taught. This book provides an opportunity for all Catholics and all religious people to review their own convictions and explore the depth of their spiritual lives. In a special way, the author presents in this volume the knowledge and information which can help bishops, priests, religious, catechists, parents and all the laity regain their equilibrium and rebuild their faith and spiritual lives. It is an excellent tool to re-examine one's own posture relative to the Deposit of Faith.
- Short Description:
- The Deposit of Faith: What the Catholic Church Really Believes by Monsignor Eugene Kevane is a treasure of information for teachers of catechetical instruction. In the wake of the Heresy of Modernism, Catholics everywhere, especially parents o