Do you long for certainty that Divine Providence exists in the midst of our chaotic world? Does your prayer seem too dry, or too routine? Have you sought guidance for the challenges of your life from unhelpful people or things? Or has your pride kept you from humble obedience to the Church? If so The Dialogue will provide consolation, encouragement , and hope.
About St. Catherine of Siena The second youngest of a very large family, Catherine of Siena began to experience God mystically before she turned seven. Frequent visions of Christ, Mary, angels, and saints inspired her holy, austere lifestyle and prompted her to take the habit of the Dominican Tertiaries at sixteen years of age. Enabled by a miracle to read and write, the formerly illiterate St. Catherine crafted many letters to religious and political leaders in Italy and beyond, seeking peace and reformation. Her passionate yet humble pleas persuaded the Pope to return to Rome, where she herself died at age 33.
Book is: Softcover. 213 pp.
- Short Description:
- Saint Catherine of Siena's Dialogue describes the entire spiritual life through a series of conversations between God and the soul, represented by Catherine herself. Readers of The Dialogue will find Catherine's revelations from God as