The Divine Mercy Message and Devotion--La Divina Misericordia Mensaje y Devocion, St. Faustina
Message and Devotion
This booklet presents the message of The Divine Mercy and the special forms of devotion to The Divine Mercy that are outlined in the Diary of St. Faustina. It has become known throughout the world as the "Devotion Booklet."
"Devotion", in the root sense of the word, means consecration...giving of oneself completely...dedication by solemn vow. In a religious contex, devotion is an attitude of caring about God and all that God cares about. It involves a decision and a commitment that permeates our lives, giving direction and form to all our actions.
Paperback, 88 pp.
Also Available: in Large print, softcover for $7.45
This book also comes in Spanish.
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La Divina Misericordia Mensaje y Devocion - Este libro presenta el mensaje de la Divina Misericordia y las maners especiales de la devocion a la Divina Misericordia que son esbozadas en el Diario de Santa Maria Faustina Kowalska hoy conocido como el "Librito de la devocion."
"Devocion" en el sentido mas basico de la palabra, quiere decir consagracion...el entregarse uno por completo... el dedicarse por un voto solemne. En el contexto religioso, la devocion es una actitud en donde a uno le importa Dios y le importa todo lo que para Dios es importante. Comprende una decision y un compromiso que penetra nuestras vidas, dirigiendo y formando todas nuestras acciones.
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- Short Description:
- Message and Devotion
This booklet presents the message of The Divine Mercy and the special forms of devotion to The Divine Mercy that are outlined in the Diary of St. Faustina. It has become known throughout the world as the "Devotion Booklet."