The Forge by Josemaria Escriva, like The Way and The Furrow, offers the reader points for meditation.
The Forge is the third collection of St. Josemarías refreshingly brief but profoundly weighty reflections and meditations on how to live the Christian life to its absolute fullest. Like The Way and Furrow, it gives you practical and pointed material for meditation that will help you take your spiritual responsibilities more seriously and move ever closer to the all-consuming forge of Gods love. St. Josemaría wrote these 1,055 aphorisms, observations, and exhortations in order to enkindle within you a desire for holiness and apostolate.
- Short Description:
- The Forge by Josemaria Escriva like The Way and The Furrow offers the reader points for meditation.
The Forge is the third collection of St. JosemarÃaÂs refreshingly brief but profoundly weighty reflections and meditations on how to live the Ch