As the most widely read spiritual book next to the Bible itself, The Imitation of Christ is a time-tested handbook for those seeking to be conformed to Christ Jesus. Readers through the centuries, including saints from Thomas More to Therese of Lisieux, have expressed their gratitude for this astounding work of Thomas a Kempis. With its chapters, “Admonitions Useful for A Spiritual Life,” “Admonitions Concerning the Inner Life,” “Internal Consolation,” and “Concerning the Blessed Sacrament,” this 15th century classic outlines clear directives for renouncing worldly conceits and discovering eternal truths. Perhaps no other book has more clearly and effectively described the Christian ideal: “My son, to the degree that you can leave yourself behind, to that degree will you be able to enter into Me.”
Paperback, 288 pp.
Measures 4" by 7 1/2".