The Mystical Body of Christ captures the theological brilliance of Venerable Fulton J. Sheen, nationally renowned Catholic television and radio personality, before his meteoric rise to fame in the 1950s. First published in 1935, this book reveals Sheen's accessibility and theologically astute teaching styles as he writes about the Church as an extension of the Incarnation. Recent advances in his cause for canonization make this classic text especially timely.
The Mystical Body of Christcaptures the theological precision and communicative genius of Fulton J. Sheen (1895-1979), whose radio and television broadcasts, including Life Is Worth Living, have reached millions of homes since the 1950s. With more than thirty of his works still in print, Sheen is one of the most beloved Catholic evangelists of all time.
This full-length and fully developed work on the Church as an extension of the Incarnation reveals Sheen's accessible and theologically astute teaching style in the early years of his ministry. First published in 1935, the book's themes of the Eucharist as a source of unity for the Mystical Body of Christ--the Church--and the link between the liturgy and works of social justice were echoed in the Second Vatican Council several decades later.
A recent advance in Sheen's cause for beatification, the healing of a young boy for which there is no medical explanation, will create renewed interest among his admirers and introduce the spirituality of this Catholic icon to a whole new generation of believers.
Product Details:
The Mystical Body of Christcaptures the theological precision and communicative genius of Fulton J. Sheen (1895-1979), whose radio and television broadcasts, including Life Is Worth Living, have reached millions of homes since the 1950s. With more than thirty of his works still in print, Sheen is one of the most beloved Catholic evangelists of all time.
This full-length and fully developed work on the Church as an extension of the Incarnation reveals Sheen's accessible and theologically astute teaching style in the early years of his ministry. First published in 1935, the book's themes of the Eucharist as a source of unity for the Mystical Body of Christ--the Church--and the link between the liturgy and works of social justice were echoed in the Second Vatican Council several decades later.
A recent advance in Sheen's cause for beatification, the healing of a young boy for which there is no medical explanation, will create renewed interest among his admirers and introduce the spirituality of this Catholic icon to a whole new generation of believers.
Product Details:
- Paperback
- 328 pages