The New Marian Latin English Missal, For Daily Gregorian Mass, by Sylvester P. Juergens, S.M.
Pope St. Pius X and Pope Pius XII had strongly encouraged the laity to follow the prayers of the priest and join their sentiments with the words of sacrifice. This is the best way, St. Pius wrote, to "pray holy Mass."
Whoever attends Mass truly stands at the foot of the Cross on Calvary because Jesus multi-locates that one Sacrifice by bringing it to our altars; the difference being only that He does so in an unbloody manner.
This missal, with the Latin and English side by side, will be a great help in planting our act of worship where it ought to be not in merely "hearing" Mass but in "offering" Mass together with the priest; not in the ministerial order of course, but as his co-adjutors. This text has most of the Holy Week changes issued by Pope Pius XII but none of the 1962 changes. It has been reproduced exactly as it appeared in 1958 except for some illustration changes and alteration of the cover and title pages.
- Short Description:
- The New Marian Missal, For Daily Latin Mass, by Sylvester P. Juergens, S.M. Loreto Publications is offering this beautiful reprinting of the 1958 edition of the New Marian Missal.
Pope St. Pius X and Pope Pius X