The St. Therese of Lisieux Prayer Book by Vinita Hampton Wright presents the wisdom of St. Therese for all who want to pray. Walk with Therese through days of humility, suffering, beauty, and spiritual sensitivity. Discover how, through prayer and growing faith, you too can follow your own Little Way to authentic Christian experience. Paperback, 166 pp.
How did this saint's preciouseven precociouschildhood devotion to God develop into such wisdom? Therese Martin entered a Carmelite convent at age 15 and died of tuberculosis at age 24. In that short time, her "little flower" of a life came into vibrant, spiritual bloom.
Millions of people know and adore St. Theresethe world's most popular saint during the first half of the 20th centuryfrom her autobiography, The Story of a Soul, an international bestseller.
This warm, wise little book will help you to discover firsthand how to receive God's presence and love. You will:
- Short Description:
- The St. Therese of Lisieux Prayer Book by Vinita Hampton Wright presents the wisdom of St. Therese for all who want to pray.
How did this saint's preciousÂeven precociousÂchildhood devotion to God develop into such wisdom? Therese Martin entered