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The Way of the Cross for Children--DVD

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The Way of the Cross for Children--DVD

The "Way of the Cross" was a favorite devotion with our ancestors in the Faith since the middle ages. Unfortunately, in today's busy world, it no longer occupies its ancient place of honor. As Catholic families attempt to restore the traditions that have fallen by the wayside during the last forty years of confusion in the Church, the natural place to start is with the child.

The anonymous Religious of the Cenacle who arranged this pious version of the Stations of the Cross over eighty years ago found the way to the heart of the child. It is our belief that what her devotion brought together in this DVD presentation may also serve to kindle a spark of fervor in the colder hearts of today’s children.

A combination of beautiful prayers, traditional music, and sacred images make this a perfect Lenten companion for the whole family. Ideal for homeschoolers and families with small children, this DVD provides a powerful devotional experience for the little ones. Introduce your children to the Way of the Cross with this remarkable DVD and plant the seeds of Faith that will last a lifetime.

What You'll Discover:

  • Prayers led by a Catholic priest with responses by children
  • Stabat Mater sung in English by a children’s choir
  • Individual child prays a meditation for each Station
  • Prayers and images appropriate for the whole family
  • Short Description:
    The Way of the Cross for Children--DVD

    The "Way of the Cross" was a favorite devotion with our ancestors in the Faith since the middle ages. Unfortunately, in today's busy world, it no longer occupies its ancient place of honor. As Catholic famili